I'm not as tech savvy as many people on Crackberry are, so I'm not exactly sure what this means, but it's just what I've noticed.. I've taken many photos that confuses my iPhone pals because they can't take shots like those.. Posted via CB10 For some reason, I've done a side by side comparison with an iPhone 4s, 5, and 5s, and I find that the Z10 camera is superior. Vag Com Interface Not Found Windows 7

I'm not as tech savvy as many people on Crackberry are, so I'm not exactly sure what this means, but it's just what I've noticed.. I've taken many photos that confuses my iPhone pals because they can't take shots like those.. Posted via CB10 For some reason, I've done a side by side comparison with an iPhone 4s, 5, and 5s, and I find that the Z10 camera is superior. e828bfe731 Vag Com Interface Not Found Windows 7

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